Friday, 12 September 2014

A Violinist with a Mission

On Sunday it will be Thomas' birthday. He already has his "big" present, a fancy flash for his camera, but I like to have something in pretty wrapping paper, which he does not necessarily expect, to surprise him. As I had this morning off and he had to work, I decided that today was the day to set out on my mission. Needless to say, the rain is pouring down, but I do have a very pretty umbrella, so I braved the elements and set out. First I did the groceries, even a  birthday having husband gets hungry, and deposited the basket in my dressing room before I set out again. Thomas expressed the wish for a headset for his smartphone some time ago, so that was my purpose. After all, it should not be too hard to find something like that in town, or so I thought.....

On my way to store No 1, I had been splashed by passing cars three times, and therefore my legs and shoes were rather wet. Action HAD to be taken, so I detoured into a shoe store, where I probably unearthed the last pair of rain boots in town. They were affordable and not too bad looking, so I bought them and wore them at once. Now that the crisis of wet feet had been remedied, I cheerfully set forth to complete my mission. In the store of my choice, there were two customers standing ahead of me, but I decided to wait. I like studying people, so I did not really mind. I waited....and waited.....and waited...nothing at all seemed to happen with the customers who were being served. Meanwhile the line behind me went all through the store and continued outside. After 20 minutes of standinding, I gave up and decided, still rather cheerful, to try another store.

On my way there, I took full advantage of my new boots and gleefully stepped into every puddle. That was fun...I arrived at store No 2. All counters were busy, but there was no one else, so I decided to wait. After 10 minutes of no action, I decided to leave, and try my luck on the way back. Now comes my true act of heroism: slowly being at a loss of where else I could go to look for this headset, I took several deep breaths and entered one of these big, confusing media stuff stores, which are always completely full and cause me to panic. I even approached a salesperson and, with my most charming smile, asked whether he could help me. The man did speak to me, but mumbled so badly that I had to ask several times what he meant, until I finally thought that I possibly recognised the word "Bluetooth". I took that for a good sign and followed him. He, rather uncharmingly, lead me into an aisle and pointed to a shelf and left. I was faced by a variety of headsets in an even greater variety of prices and felt utterly at loss. Thoughts of emigrating entered my mind, but I pulled myself together and left the store, or rather fled from the store.

By now I was running out of time, but needed some positive imput, so I interrupted my mission to head to my favourite store to buy some lovely bubble bath...a very cheering act. In the shop I listened to the shopkeepers life story, smashed front car window, lost handbag, and was given a large handful of toffee's. On my way back I wanted to give store No 2 another try, just to see that NOTHING had changed during my absence. Still the same customers at the same counters. 

I tried two more shops, and finally, in the last one, and exactly five minutes before I was to meet up with Thomas, I found a lady, who spoke a language that I actually understood, who was able to smile, and to help me. Of course I did not get exactly what I wanted, I have no idea whether it is the right thing, and it has to be ordered and will only arrive next week, but the mission was completed. Unfortunately I will not have anything surprising for Thomas on Sunday, but I can always wrap up an empty box and put a note inside, reading: "Will be delivered sometime next week. Love, Sonja"

Meanwhile, back at home, the cat is wondering why I rather spend time writing this, than petting her instead. After all, in her world, I am to blame for the rain....

Maybe I should go jump into a few puddles now