Saturday, 15 November 2014

It still exists !!

We have been covered in fog for quite a while now. This past week was exceptionally hard, as it was spent in a cold, gloomy church, rehearsing and performing rather gloomy, but partly still beautiful music, namely the Brahms Requiem. The other "work" was a contemporary something, based on Korean death liturgy...not very cheerful....So, I opened the curtains in the morning, grey outside. Into a grey church, outside again, still grey and so on. Things did get slightly better after I discovered some hand warmers, a gift from my brother in law from the US. But life was still pretty grey.

This morning it was the same. I opened the curtains....grey. In addition I have an awful backache, but I am applying my trusted cure: I ignore it, then I ignore it some more, then I hope for the power of Tender Loving Care and a nice fire, and if that won't work, painkillers :-) So I settled for the fact that the sun is somewhere on holiday, and has forgotten all about this little town and me. I sighed most melodramatically and then, suddenly, the fog lifted and we were surrounded by a burst of colour. It was magical and very beautiful. I felt so joyful...I even had the urge to burst into song, but, sadly, the only bursting I can do right now is a low grumble, having lost my voice somewhere in the cold church. Of course Thomas is being very nice about it, saying the sounds I utter are "husky" ;-) 

Anyway, the spectacle is over by now, and it is all grey again. Still, the magical experience from earlier this morning will stay with me for a while. Such beauty....and I know now that the sun has not quite forgotten us over here.

Even the cat felt the magic and was very silly, jumping around and catching leaves...not at all becoming for a lady of her age ;-) Naturally she is now quite exhausted and resting on her sofa (yes, she has her own sofa upstairs in the bedroom).

Who knows...if we all concentrate very hard, we can make the sun come back for a few minutes....Will you help me?

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