Tuesday, 5 June 2018


A few days ago I was searching for some photos, and stumbled across old memories in the process. They ranged from photos of past romances to a pressed (meanwhile antique) red rose. That got me wondering.... With all the digitalization nowadays, what will the young people of today have in 20 years or so? There is nothing like the feel of an old, faded photo with a name and maybe a personal handwritten message on the back to bring back the memory of a long forgotten romance, or the musty scent of a dried flower to re live a special moment.

I also found old cards from my last year at school. Handwritten promises of undying friendship. People long forgotten and some unfortunately no longer with us.... Some sad memories, but all very moving and special. I wonder what became of some of those people, who were part of my every day life back then. And every little message brings things back to me.

What will happen to all of this, in the time of social networks, iPhone cameras which can store a multitude of photos, but where deleting is terribly simple.... How long do the cyber memories last, and who still has the photos from years and years ago?

I am very grateful for all the mementos of the past. Things I can actually hold in my hands, feel and smell. There are not many, but that makes it even more special, and brings a feeling of romance and personalization, which I find sadly missing in this day and age. Maybe one day actual letter writing will become popular again. Who knows...☺️

Meanwhile the cat doesn’t really care. She has discovered the pleasure in refusing her usual food, and insisting on raw meat and fish. Maybe that is her kind of romance, just as real to her as handwritten notes are to me😉

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